I want to give a gift to someone YOU know...
...someone you know that could really use custom portraits but wouldn't or couldn't do it on their own. Is it your son's teacher who goes above and beyond, a neighbor that is depressed and overwhelmed, a friend that just adopted a child, a person you know that is always there for everyone else and it's time they got a break? I need to know!
The winner will receive a FREE photo session and prints, I mean the whole deal - a consultation to help determine what they could use depending on wall spaces and rooms up to $2,000.
Oh, and the best part? The person who nominates the winner receives a $500 certificate for portraits.
The rules:
To enter you must send me the story by email: dini@dinistudio.com by December 28.
You cannot nominate yourself.
The winner will be announced the last night of Chanuka, December 29th (The winner's name will be withheld for privacy reasons but the nominee will be announced).